The Cross-Over Cabling Got a Connection

I have been so sure of myself that no man can ever please me. I get easily bored when talking to them. It's like I'd rather read a book or watch a romantic movie that is more interesting and more romantic than my love life.

When I first met you, I thought it was just going to be a normal "attracted at first sight" phenomenon. You know, the typical feeling you get when he made the first eye contact. But I was completely wrong.

Days passed and we were becoming closer. First we were talking about just computers. It was kind of awkward at first but as the days got longer, we were getting closer than ever. Those were the days where I was always looking forward for the training.

I even realized that I was putting on a little extra effort on the way I normally look.

Thinking about it lately, I should supposedly not get attracted to you. You should be the least of the people that I would get attracted to. Those baggy jeans, black jacket, always a wearing a snap back cap should turn me off. But it didn't, just thinking of this situation makes my heart flutter. You also smoke and I should hate you for that. But I think I am hating myself for the attraction that I have for you and the fact that is getting stronger. Fucking irresistible.

Last year, my feelings for you got undeniably deeper when I copied movies from you. The movies that I have been looking for many years now were just in your hard drive, kept for so long from me. I also felt that there's a strong connection between us and I get the feeling that we have a lot of mutual likings and I also sense that we'll be having interesting things to talk about. Imagine two nerds talking about Star Wars and Quentin Tarantino movies.

We've planned to meet on a Friday to practice but I guess that meet-up hasn't happened yet.

One thing that blocks us from getting to know each other is that the promise I made of not adding you on social media. But believe me, everyday of my life, I open you profile thinking if I should just break this crazy self-promise.

Then it happened. I know why I have been sad for the past weeks. I have been thinking that maybe it's because of my job, getting stressed out from work or still in the adjustment period.

Maybe I am having emotional problems this month. I've been watching sad movies and listening to sad songs. (Romeo and Juliet by Dire Straits) See? The title and the singer is obviously a tragedy of life.

Just last night, I listened to the song again when something inside hit me. Something made me realized that what bothers me most were not those factors, but that fact that I terribly miss you and I long for your presence. Maybe it's the consequence of not adding you. Now I'm suffering because of my feministic pride.

It was February when I decided to break my silly self-made promise. I gathered all the courage I have and I add him on Facebook. I waited, then a few seconds later, a notification told me that he accepted me. It was fucking fast.

A few hours later, I tried to wave at you hoping to start a conversation that might lead to something or anything. I was excited and felt weird because it was the first time that I've done such thing. I waited for him for hours, he wasn't online anymore. So I waited again happily for him to see it and wave back, I waited and waited.

I still waited. I saw that he's online now, he'd seen that I waved. Should he wave back?

No. He didn't. No waved back. Just me, who waved. And him,  who've seen it.


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